foreign [Music] how are you feeling today good you feeling good all right um okay every Summit I do this intro presentation this time around it's a little bit longer because it's the 10th it's obviously a big milestone for us I'm going to introduce myself so I'm Anna I'm the host of a show called zero knowledge podcast I am the co-creator of a project called Zeke hack and I'm the co-founder of a company called ZK validator I want to introduce these three things because I think sometimes people mix them up there are three distinct companies just FYI um CK hack is a Learning Hub if you're not familiar with it if you're interested in like getting into ZK that's the place to check out and ZK validator is a proof of stake validator running on 10 networks and with ZK validator we do things like invest in ZK create grants do industry initiatives um yeah and that's what we do this event is produced by the zero knowledge podcast and you'll have to excuse me I'm going to be like partly sitting partly standing for this presentation because I have a knee thing um yeah so what is the zero knowledge podcast it's a weekly show focused on ZK Tech and the decentralized web started in 2017. there's now 291 episodes and so we're getting close to 300 and we're like trying to figure out what to do if you have any ideas get in touch I have some phenomenal co-hosts on the show most of whom are here today Kobe Nico tarun and Guillermo I don't know if they're in the room yet but they're going to be around I also I don't think I've ever mentioned this on the stage but I have a amazing podcast team Rachel and Henrik I'm on there too and Tanya who's going to be hosting this stage with Rachel you might know her as the voice of the ad every week yeah here are our top episodes so far so every time I do this presentation we updated so by top I mean here kind of like fastest growing we sort of see some of them Spike and the list has changed the new ones this time are the 2022 or yeah 2022 end of year wrap up with co-hosts and the between two ZK events with Nico and Guillermo which we recorded at the last CK Summit if you want to find out any of these like links or Channel like we have a huge telegram channel it's very very active if you want to join that if you want to find out more about ZK hack and join that Discord check out the link tree it's all there or check out our website which looks kind of like this also subscribe uh wherever you get your podcasts if you want to hear more about the show this event will be on our YouTube channel it can be found there and there's a summit playlist which has all of our Summit videos um since I'm mentioning the YouTube channel I want to highlight something that's been going on now for like three years which is the study Club if you like these kinds of talks that you're going to be seeing today this might be a really cool playlist for you to check out here like every two weeks or so two weeks or like twice a month or once a month there's these sessions with like some of the top cryptographers in the space talking with the person who's presenting the work so it's a very interactive very interesting video series and it's hosted by Alex for the last year and a half thank you Alex for doing that um there is a jobs board if you're not familiar and actually a lot of the sponsors here today have actually posted their most recent job postings on the jobs board so if you're looking for a new uh opportunity to actually work in the space do check it out and if you're a team looking to hire you can also post your jobs there as well oh so much stuff okay now we're going to talk about the event which I also have a number of slides to share with you because it's zk10 so what is the ZK Summit we started this event in March 2018 I hosted it four times in Berlin Twice online once in San Francisco once in Amsterdam once in Lisbon and now we're in London and I have to say looking back it's like this event has witnessed the emergence of like some of the most revolutionary ZK protocols and ideas so it's very very exciting to you know be here on this Milestone event so I'm going to do a little retro I'm going to do like a little look back I hope some of you will remember some of these and I want to ask who is at zk1 is there anyone oh my gosh yay well there's like three people okay zero knowledge Summit one held in in Berlin that by the way I don't know if you if everyone knows but that was Frederick my original co-host on the show we did the event together he was my co-host for the first three years of the run of the show um who is a zk2 okay a few more people that actually this was a very wait where's oh yeah there arielle's you're in the picture so this is a great event uh that's also one of my favorite photos that I use a lot to just describe the summit uh Ariel pointing at math I think it's some of the same people okay still still about five people um just one so the interesting just a little side note we have no good pictures from the summits I don't know if you can tell these are screenshots from videos like we just we weren't we didn't have photographers it's a privacy event we like really try to keep photos to a minimum and it shows but um in the middle there that's a workshop that was held by Mirko from least Authority that ended up I just want to point it out that ended up becoming sort of the predecessor to the Moon math manual that he wrote and we're currently running a moon math manual study Club in the ZK hack Discord so it all kind of comes full circle I don't know I think it's pretty cool who's at dk4 in San Francisco oh bobbin anyone else really oh you were there okay okay we have a couple people this was the first time I actually got to go to the West Coast and and be interested like I got to meet all these new people working in the space and I think Zach isn't here yet but I believe and I wanted to check this but I believe that that Zach presenting Planck for the first time so kind of cool then we went online oh the disastrous March 2020 online event who did anyone come to that so the online 2020 the one that blew up where everything fell apart and we ended up yeah okay some people remember this that was horrible all the photos from this event look like this so I just picked two it's kind of depressing zk6 we kind of knew what we were doing does anyone come to zk6 this is okay we're starting to get a few more hands a little bit Arc Works was presented uh Dark Forest we learned how to use sort of cool online tools and then in 2021 we just gave up we were like no more online Summits they were so stressful Henrik and I produced the second one over two days like six hours each I was just like draining awful but we couldn't do nothing so we ended up doing four ZK sessions events which were shorter form fun things did anyone come to any of these ZK sessions does anyone remember okay uh we then did a jobs Fair this is like kind of before we were doing jobs fairs at the ZK Summit uh then we announced then we launched CK hack so ZK podcast and ZK validator kind of co-produced CK hack at the beginning and has anyone participated in ZK hack here the event the online event okay why don't you clap I want to hear you so if you if you participate okay ZK hack you did ZK hack this is I think where this audience picks up um yeah so we've now done three of them I'm actually going to be announcing at the end of this an upcoming event that zika hack is doing who was a ck7 Amsterdam clap okay Make Some Noise Okay there we're starting to get some people also had no good photos from this but um amazing event sadly these photos totally don't capture that venue with the beautiful Courtyard an amazing day this was a museum yeah just a perfect event zk8 Berlin who was there yeah this we got some good photos for I really like Henry that was mean Guillermo we were the hosts that was the whole team okay who's at zk9 Lisbon yeah okay now we're getting some action very cool uh yeah ck9 was fantastic and we're now at zk10 why don't who's here at zk10 let's let's clap for being here I don't know all right you are we are currently at the Senate house London um I don't know somebody told me this two days ago and then I checked it out this apparently was the inspiration for Orwell's Ministry of Truth in the book 1984. uh I think that is hilarious we did not know that when we booked this menu but I love it um it's uh from the 30s it's obviously got a very specific design uh and we're really excited to be here today and get a chance to to yeah do The Summit in these spaces and we have a lot going on we have a huge program bigger than ever we do we're doing five stages this time we also do have co-working and a quiet room area so we have the map we do have a map kind of near the entrance but we I'm going to kind of go through it anyway uh you've come in and you're currently in the main stage behind us over there are two Workshop rooms you can actually get out of these doors and head to workshop two Workshop one there's a few co-working spaces over here that you can use if you're planning on getting some work done there's a quiet room um yeah and and let's see so Workshop one is on the other side of that wall and then we're gonna be eating and all the sponsors are over just across from the main stage that's where coffee breaks are going to be held as well so you're going to be kind of moving between this room that room and around on the second floor and we realized after we printed this that it should actually be upside down you'll notice it a little bit when you're when you're looking at the map so the side stage you go up the stairs and you actually walk all the way down the hall and the side stage is kind of on the second floor up there and the breakout room is on the side of it so we have as you can see five stages running for most of the day it's going to be four but we do use Workshop 2 twice during the day so one thing that we haven't done in the past but we are doing today at this time is we're recording every single stage so don't worry if you're missing you know if there are too many talks you want to see at the same time there will be a record of them you will be able to check them out after this should be on your lanyards I won't go through it here because it's like very detailed there are only a few small Corrections in terms of speakers but I believe most of this is up to date this is the Wi-Fi if you're not already on it you are free to I think it's just open so yeah I want to say a massive thank you I don't know who from the team is here uh the zk10 team this year so Philip Kobe and I were working on programming Henrik is supporting with the AV uh Rachel and I have done a lot on attendee speaker but the big thank you and massive like the um the big thank you goes out to Agni I feel like she rolled a boulder up a hill again and I want to just give her a big round of applause yeah I'm so happy with how this turned out come around we also have a ton of MCs as I cannot be running up and down off the stage Tanya and Rachel will be emceeing this floor or this stage Alex and Henrik will be on the side Philip and Gaylord will be on the breakout and Paul will be running the workshops I think some of these might also be switching just to to cover for each other but here are amazing MCS I'm so excited that you're joining us again this time and and helping us to do this all right so let me now thank some of our sponsors um and Elio our Platinum sponsors for the zk10 recurring like sponsors that have come back and supported us over and over again I'm so happy that you are joining us and allowing us to do this event it really can't help but happen without you so let's give the Platinum sponsors a round of applause this time around we have gold sponsors Aztec and risk zero Aztec we brought ZK Summit to London I'm very glad you came on board yeah silver sponsors this time around are the ZK validator fenbushi Capital geometry Celestia and 1kx and Community sponsors are sismo polychain of one Labs Lambda class puzzle robot Ventures ZK sync fabric ethereum ecosystem support program and LaGrange thank you to all of the sponsors we'll give a clap uh last night we also did a speaker and sponsor dinner which was sponsored by fenbushi ZK validator and geometry that was a lot of fun thank you for putting that on with us cool yeah we'll give a big clap all of the sponsors really I mean it's so wonderful also to see sponsors come back year after year or session after yeah ZK Summit after ZK Summit and uh yeah I just really really appreciate that so every time I do a summit there is an application form and on the application form there is a question I feel these have been getting harder and harder every time uh we asked this time how would you explain folding schemes to a friend and we got a few answers we always choose a few these ones just FYI are a little longer than normal so I'm going to read through them but you'll have to bear with me for some of them okay what is a folding scheme a folding scheme compresses two NP statements into one NP statement the compressed one is satisfiable if the original NP statements are satisfiable good it's a recursive proof protocol that basically smushes multiple individual ZK proofs into a proof sandwich for end consumption instead of proving each steps instead of proving each step all computations are folded into a single Mega circuit goodness foreign if we have two apples we squeeze them together and now we only have one apple approximately but we take any damage done to be part of our witness and where an apple is a recurrent computational step we want to prove how would you explain folding schemes to a friend I cannot so we got a lot of these I do not know I don't know I looked it up I asked my friend this was a hard one we could tell um another thing we saw a lot of is I would talk to them about origami and hope they don't know what ZK is okay we learned something this time around people if you ask chat GPT what folding schemes are which are really new thing they only they looked through the database or they it came up with only folding schemes related to origami apparently that's a thing so we got so many answers about origami that were completely incorrect we're gonna keep doing that like we're on to you so next time we're gonna make sure we get something so Cutting Edge it doesn't know anything about it but it was really funny to see the sort of variations of what it came up with um okay depends on the friend uh okay so explain folding schemes to a friend depends on the friend and their state of mind but as an opening Gambit I would simply say it's a mathematical optimization mechanism that permits a ton of facts to be verified at the same cost of proving a single fact some of these are very good folding schemes enable efficient incremental verifiable computation or IVC so that instead of verifying n proofs for end steps of a computation the verifier could verify a single proof that aggravates the proofs of all of these steps together okay we have a long one coming up how would you explain folding schemes to a friend folding scheme stem from a combination of laziness and procrastination applied to ZK proof generation and taken to its extreme consequences you know you know that you should clean your flat every week and each time you promise yourself that you will do it next week the cool thing of folding schemes is that unlike in real life dirt does not accumulate and when you finally decide to do the cleanup the cost is the same as if you had done it straight away the first week somebody does not want to clean their room all right explain folding schemes to a friend friends don't explain folding schemes to friends and I think this is the last one first there were two then there was one a linear combination how accumulation is done thank you all for these fantastic answers every time I love these all right and I think that wraps up my part of the intro we are going to now be welcoming our top sponsors to the stage to say a few words um oh but right before I do that these are our hashtags that is the Twitter um take some photos it turns out we don't have any ever so share it on online and I'm very excited to announce that ZK hack so last time we did ZK hack Lisbon and ZK Summit together we kind of burned out from doing it so close together we decided this time to separate them but zika heck Istanbul is taking from that initial kind of CK hack Lisbon spirit and we're doing our second IRL hackathon it's a very different event from this one it runs over a weekend it's good it's we have an amazing venue you can already apply at and we're going to be sharing this on the Twitter for zika hack in the Discord but I feel like this is a fantastic audience to share this with that you know we're going to be doing this it's still one of six seven weeks away book your travels if you're already coming to devconnect devconnect starts the Monday right after that we're kind of piggybacking with that so yeah I hope to see you there last time ZK hack is Lisbon was so phenomenal the outcome was kind of mind-blowing we didn't expect it to be we didn't expect so many people to actually build be able to build things and they did and so yeah I hope you'll join us for this one to continue that okay now I'm finished uh Alex please come to the stage share with us a little bit about what you want to share and this is Alex from Elio one of our top sponsors hey everybody uh yeah so hi as Anna mentioned I am the CEO of elio but uh actually my slides this morning I have a maybe a little bit about that but in general I just want to come to you and present for a few minutes liberally take advantage of my five minutes on the mic and you know just give some of my thoughts about uh this conference and why we're here and where ZK is going and uh you just yeah just kind of give some commentary around that and I guess I mentioned I'm the CEO of elio I'm also very proud to be the main organizer around zprize which is focused mostly on Hardware acceleration for ZK snarks and I'm also the host of ZK Study Club so I would second uh Anna's plug on that it's it's been personally as a and everything you're about to hear from me you should understand it comes from a Layman so I'm an operator I'm not a cryptographer there's many great cryptographers and other folks in the space that are presenting here but for me coming as a Layman resources like ZK Study Club are amazing uh to help you know accelerate the learning curve and better understand some of the fundamentals of the space so I recommend folks check it out okay uh why are we here uh there's a you know on the website there's like the mission for zk10 and I actually don't want to pretend to know why all of you are here so I'm just going to tell you why I'm here and talk for a few slides about that so I'm here because I think zero knowledge cryptography is going to change the internet like not just web three I know many people here from blockchain companies I myself of course I'm the CEO of a web 3 company but I think fundamentally this concept of being able to prove something without revealing why it's true in a succinct manner is is a game-changing technology that 50 years from now I think we'll look back and you know view this as the Genesis of something really special a true revolution in technology um and I think we have to acknowledge oh by the way I need before I present this slide I'm gonna I'm sure offend many people who are cryptographers and researchers by my selection of the body of work that led us to where we get to this point so I'm sorry if you have any comments about it I'll be at the side stage come find me but in general the point point of this slide is to say that like we have been we have built where we are today has been built upon an incredible Foundation of Prior work that has iteratively over time helped us to arrive at where we are where now we're finally at the cusp where many of the schemes that we've talked about over years have become practical have become useful right in a very similar way to you know I think machine learning and AI is having its moment you know but that of course took 40 years I think similarly we're on a similar path of growth and I think it's amazing it's one of the most uh it's one of the most special things about this industry and about this conference in particular as Anna highlighted several of her prior slides with pictures I mean several of the people who have built the schemes that we all rely upon today have presented at prior conferences like this so you know and of course like this is sort of like an exponential curve so yay right we're moving in the right direction things are accelerating this this we should all feel good about this but this is where we are and I think we just have to acknowledge that right now in the world of ZK adoption this is where we still are right so very very proud of all the work that's been done very excited for what the potential is but I think all of us as Builders and practitioners and researchers and cryptographers in the space we have to acknowledge that we have a long way yet to go and if we want this technology and this space to be relevant we have to make it relevant right and I think there's a couple really key things that are part of that um the first is I think we all of us as Builders and operators in the space have to always keep in mind that we represent not just our companies not just our teams not just our research organizations but the industry right when people who are just quote unquote normies like hey Alex what do you what is zero knowledge cryptography like what do you do right I think they're going to take away an impression about whatever I do or whatever I say but also they're going to take that and form that impression about the space as a whole right and I think speaking as a person who runs a for-profit company Building Technology in a space I know there is always pressure to uh oversell a little bit about what the capabilities of the technology is and I think there's nothing wrong with doing that to a point but I do think it's important that we all remember that taken to an extreme we put the credibility of not just ourselves and our own projects but the industry at risk so that's one thing that I think you know I want everyone to take away from uh from this and just remember the other is pursuing practicality it's been amazing to see all the theoretical uh advancements in the space which have very much enabled a lot of practical use cases now and I think we have to continue to aggressively pursue that direction because at the end of the day you know this technology will only be relevant if it's something that people use every day and I think we have to you know in addition to the very rightful focus on you know uh new proof systems Etc I think we also need to focus on application development and the last is my favorite piece which is embracing collaboration this space is built on a body of Open Source work that we all get to rely upon and have benefited from I just want to take a quick side and call it the zcash team from the very early days I mean we all own a tremendous debt of gratitude for all the work that they have done and all the work that they have inspired and I'm very proud that you know we at a Leo have had the opportunity to also you know have a spirit of collaboration through our sponsorship of zprize and even through you know our setup ceremony which we actually ran a setup ceremony for three snarks a few years ago some people were involved in that in this room and I'm sure they have Painful memories of it but the good news is uh we have this you know these parameters that were generated or free for everyone to use right and all the software that we build at a Leo is totally open source and I'll conclude by just saying I told you nothing about a Leo if you are curious about a Leo um we have a booth out there the two things you need to know is we're getting ready to Launch mainnet and it's an implementation of sexy so programmable privacy if you want to learn more come find me grab some swag and uh thank you all very much for the opportunity to be here and thank you Anna for the opportunity to sponsor this conference [Applause] thank you Alex what a fantastic intro all right uh I'll uh please join the stage to share a little bit about anoma Nevada hey everyone okay founders of Noma and namara and many of you probably have heard this about a Noma and probably have heard about the word intense all over the place right and what are intents they're probably not real and they're probably all psyoffs honestly at this point I don't know anymore but what I can talk about is that we are building a fully generalized architecture for inter-centric applications and a big part of Stack is composed by some um a tiger is one of The Primitives we might find most interesting which is a normal unified execution environment and it is what allows us to enable what we call um what um my bad so it's what enables information flow control which is one of the normal properties than sending Centric application architecture can provide today we actually have one of the first workshops on juviks which is a language for intercentric applications Jonathan will be given this Workshop so if you are curious about hacking around this language in this new paradigm don't take a look at that I think it's going to be really cool but anyways so many of you probably have not heard about namata and then here I'm going to quickly render you through what it is so this is my my goal is to like speak venue towards um what number is so first of all why um quick question nowadays user is muscle model chain so you hold different assets fundable non-fungible across different networks and security domains what do you use for privacy so the answer that I get most of the time is that most people don't use crypto for privacy and then the answer they get a lot of times is that they actually use centralized exchanges for privacy so yeah the state of even though we have amazing cryptography instead of adoption and user applications is not really good so what if I get to the Matlab um two things the main thing is the first thing is asset diagnosticable chain privacy so the idea here is that um we uh we started from sapling and then we extended it so it the the similar set can be shared across all assets when you want non-fungible um and then the idea is not that you have to reissue the assets and adopt new assets but more that you can um just get private support as they currently hold and they will experiment in it we extended the circuit with enable muscles that rewards so as an experiment of like let's reward privacy as a public good um if you contribute to the Sheila set you actually get an extra incentive so things that we learned from um deploying on-chain privacy preserving on chain applications is that in the end no matter how good the large cryptography is what matters the most is the size of the anonymity sets and this is just an attempt to explore different ways we can instant device having larger usage larger sets um because the largest she'll set the stronger the Paris they guarantees and it is because the least data is leaked when the data remains um in the when the transactions remain in additional let's set mostly there's actually leak whenever transparent address is involved um that the least data is leaked when the when it remains initial set so the second part of Nevada is actually share a little actions it is a different approach to enable extra functionality except outside of like multi-asset transfers the idea here is that we want to enable a more form of like more composable form of privacy where users can just get the Privacy from the unified Channel set but they can continue interacting with the applications app chains or applications deployed on transparent chains like ethereum like uni swap um so yeah this is just in summary a different direction and how you can make privacy more accessible one that retrofits more seamlessly to existing architectures so yeah if you're interested in getting involved um we're also getting ready to launch soon and then you can join this career community in Discord on Twitter and then the specs are all codeware has been open source and tested for a long time and then the specs if you want to check the cryptography other than that our team has a booth as well so if you can come check out and ask us questions about namara we'll be there thank you thank you guys Back To Top