BP-Transformer: Modelling Long-Range Context via Binary Partitioning Zihao Ye†, Qipeng Guo†‡∗, Quan Gan†, Xipeng Qiu‡ , Zheng Zhang†§ † AWS Shanghai AI Lab ‡ Fudan University § New York University Shanghai {yeziha, gqipeng, quagan, zhaz}@amazon.com, xpqiu@fudan.edu.cn Abstract arXiv:1911.04070v1 [cs.CL] 11 Nov 2019 1 The Transformer model is widely successful on many natural language processing tasks. However, the quadratic complexity of selfattention limit its application on long text. In this paper, adopting a fine-to-coarse attention mechanism on multi-scale spans via binary partitioning (BP), we propose BP-Transformer (BPT for short). BPT yields O(k · n log(n/k)) connections where k is a hyperparameter to control the density of attention. BPT has a good balance between computation complexity and model capacity. A series of experiments on text classification, machine translation and language modeling shows BPT has a superior performance for long text than previous self-attention models. Our code, hyperparameters and CUDA kernels for sparse attention are available in PyTorch 1 . 1 Introduction Transformer, a self-attention based model, has achieved many impressive results on Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, notably machine translation (Vaswani et al., 2017), language modeling (Radford et al., 2018), and text classification (Devlin et al., 2018). However, its self-attention mechanism imposes a quadratic cost with respect to sequence length, limiting its wider application, especially for long text. To address this problem, some previous works have explored different directions. (1) Hierarchical Transformers (Miculicich et al., 2018; Liu and Lapata, 2019) uses two Transformers in a hierarchical architecture: one Transformer models the sentence representation with word-level context, and another the document representation with the sentence-level context. (2) Lightweight Transformers (Child et al., 2019; Sukhbaatar et al., ∗ 1 Work done during internship at AWS Shanghai AI Lab. https://github.com/yzh119/BPT 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Transformer 2 3 4 [5,6] 3 5 Transformer-XL [1,4] 1 2 4 5 [10,11] 6 7 8 9 10 11 BPT Figure 1: Different attention pattern in Transformerlike models. Solid line refers to direct attention, while the dashed line denotes dependency. Unrelated connections and self loops are omitted for clarity. 2019; Guo et al., 2019; Dai et al., 2019) reduce the complexity by reconstructing the connections between tokens. Besides the computational cost, the fullyconnected nature of Transformer does not incorporate the commonsensible inductive bias of language, such as sequential or syntax structure. The dependency relations between tokens are totally learned from scratch. Therefore, Transformer usually performs better on huge datasets and is easy to overfit on small datasets (Guo et al., 2019). The above observation motivates us to explore better structure for self-attention models to balance the capability and computation complexity. In this paper, we propose a new architecture called BP-Transformer (BPT for short), which partitions the input sequence into different multi-scale spans via binary partitioning (BP). BPT incorporates an inductive bias of attending the context information from fine-grain to coarse-grain as the relative distance increases. The farther the context information is, the coarser its representation is. BPT can be regard as graph neural network, whose nodes are the multi-scale spans. A token node can attend the smaller-scale span for the closer context and the larger-scale span for the longer- distance context. The representations of nodes are updated with Graph Self-Attention (Velickovic et al., 2018). Moreover, to better represent the position information of the span nodes and token nodes, we generalize the notion of relative position (Shaw et al., 2018) from sequences to trees and show that it better captures position bias. Thus, BPT incorporates the advantages of both hierarchical and lightweight Transformerss: (1) it models the long-range context in an hierarchical fashion, (2) reduces computation cost with fewer edges, and finally, (3) introduces coarse-to-fine connections to approximate the reasonable inductive bias of language, with a net effect of making BPT easier to train. We evaluate BPT on a variety of Sentence-Level and Document-Level NLP tasks: language modeling, machine translation and text classification. The experiment results show that BPT consistently outperforms previous self-attention based models. We also show that the inductive bias of BPT works nicely on short text and can scale to large datasets. Finally, we show BPT is faster and more memory efficient than vanilla Transformer when dealing with long sequence. 2 Related Work 2.1 Recap: Transformer Given a sentence with n input tokens, the Transformer model iteratively computes at layer t the d-dimensional representations of each input token Ht ∈ Rn×d , where H0 represents the initial token embeddings. The core of a Transformer step is Multi-head Self-Attention (MSA), which can be formulated as follows: MSA(H) = [head1 , · · · , headh ]W O ,   Qi KTi √ headi = softmax Vi , d Qi = HWiQ , Ki = HWiK , Vi = HWiV , (1) where h is the number of heads, and WiQ , WiK , WiV , WO are learnable parameters. Transformer then computes Ht+1 from Ht : Zt = norm(Ht + MSA(Ht )), (2) Ht+1 = norm(Zt + FFN(Zt )), (3) where norm represents the layer normalization (Ba et al., 2016) and FFN stands for the Position-wise Feed-Forward Network in (Vaswani et al., 2017). Note that each step t has its own parameters. 2.2 Hierarchical Attention Some previous work has explored the direction of applying self-attention on hierarchical features: HAN (Yang et al., 2016) exploits a twolevel attention mechanism that first applies selfattention on word features to get a sentence representation, then uses self-attention on sentence level features to get a document level features. Shen et al. (2018) proposed a network structured called “bi-directional block self-attention network(Bi-BloSAN)” that divides a sequence into blocks, and sequentially applies intra-block attention and inter-block attention inside a layer. Miculicich et al. (2018) uses a HAN structure to get sentence-level feature in Transformers for Document-Level Machine Translation. Different from them, our model updates hierarchical features synchronously inside a layer, and update them iteratively by stacking layers. 2.3 Lightweight Self-Attention Recently there has also been several works focusing on reducing the computational cost of SelfAttention in Transformers: T-DMCA (Liu et al., 2018) reduced the memory usage by first dividing the sequence tokens into blocks with similar length and performing attention inside each block independently. Sparse Transformer (Child et al., 2019) decomposes attention into two categories: for a sequence with length n, we divide it √ into n equal-sized blocks. Each token attends √ to its previous tokens inside a n block it lies √ in, and to n previous blocks. Compared to our model, the Sparse Transformer does not maintain the representations of hierarchical features, and the computational cost of Sparse Transformer is √ O(n n) while ours is O(n log n). TransformerXL (Dai et al., 2019) introduces the notion of recurrence into Transformer. It divides the input sequence into multiple segments and recurrently attends to the hidden states of the previous segments. They achieved state-of-the-art on several language modeling benchmarks. Compared to our model, Transformer-XL could only model sequences in one direction, making it hard to deal with tasks where bi-directional information is required. Sukhbaatar et al. (2019) proposed a adaptive mechanism to learn optimal context length in transformers for each head per layer, thus reducing the total computational and memory cost of transformers. Guo et al. (2019) suggest that the fullyconnected nature of self-attention in Transformer is not a good inductive bias, they proposed StarTransformer which links adjacency words coupled with a central relay node to capture both local and global dependencies, with such reduction, StarTransformer achieved significant improvements against standard Transformer on moderate sized datasets. However, Star-Transformer is not suitable for auto-regressive models in which each word should only be conditioned on its previous words, while the relay node in Star-Transformer summarizes the whole sequence. 3 Proposed Model In this paper, we balance the model capability and computation complexity by incorporating the inductive bias. The key insight is that not every token needs to be attended to for context representation. Instead, for an given input token, we can group its context into different-scale nonoverlapping spans, and the scale of a span increases with its relative distance. That is, instead attending to every token, the input token attends to different spans away from it in a fine-to-coarse fashion. We now describe our model as graph neural network and detail it in the following sections. Let A(u) denote the set of the neighbour nodes of u in G, GSA(G, hu ) is detailed as follows: Au = concat({hv | v ∈ A(u)}), Qui = Hk WiQ ,Kui = Au WiK ,Viu = Au WiV , (5)  u uT  Q i Ki √ headui = softmax Viu , (6) d GSA(G, hu ) = [headu1 , · · · , headuh ]WO , (7) where d is the dimension of h, and WiQ , WiK , WiV are trainable parameters of the i-th attention head. 3.2 Graph Construction 3.2.1 Node Construction To achieve the effect of fine-to-coarse attention, we partition a sequence into multi-granular spans via binary partitioning (BP). Binary partitioning is a generic process of recursively dividing a sequence into two until the partitioning satisfies one or more requirements. In this paper, we use a simple rule to stop subdividing when a partition just contains a single token. For a sequence with length n, there are 2n − 1 partitions. Figure 1 illustrates the process of binary partitioning over a sequence. Each partition can be regarded as a node in GNN and its representation is computed according to its contained tokens. 3.1 Transformer as Graph Neural Networks A valid perspective is to view information fusing with self-attention in Transformer as message passing on a fully-connected graph, with input tokens as nodes and attentions between nodes as edges (Battaglia et al., 2018). In particular, such a process is very similar to Graph Attention Network (Velickovic et al., 2018). Thus, different graph structure encodes different inductive bias of attention and results in different time/space complexity. To describe Transformer in GNN framework, we first construct a fully-connected graph G, in which each node is a token of the input sequence. All nodes in G are interconnected and each node has a self-loop edge. We extend the self-attention mechanism of Transformer to graph, called Graph SelfAttention (GSA). For a given node u, we update its representation according to its neighbour nodes, formulated as hu ← GSA(G, hu ). (4) I was busy writing my next paper . I was busy writing I was I was busy writing busy writing my next paper . my next my next paper . paper . Figure 2: Binary partitioning of a sequence. The binary partitioning of a sequence constructs a perfect binary tree in which all internal nodes have two children and all leaf nodes have the same depth. Each leaf node corresponds to an input token in the sequence. We simply divide the nodes into two types, token and span, both of which are used as nodes in our GNN construction: Token nodes the leaf nodes in the binary partition tree. Four score and seven years ago our fathers Level 4 (root) 𝑟4𝑎𝑛𝑐 Level 3 Level 2 Four score and seven Level 1 𝑟2𝑎𝑛𝑐 Level 0 (leaves) Four score Four 𝑟1𝑎𝑛𝑐 score 𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 𝑟0,1 and years ago seven 𝑟0,1 brought forth on this years ago our fathers and seven 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 brought forth on this continent a new nation Four score and seven years ago our fathers 𝑟3𝑎𝑛𝑐 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑟0,2 years 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑟1,1 ago our fathers our 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑟1,2 brought forth fathers brought forth continent a new nation continent a on this on this 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑟2,1 continent a new nation new nation 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑟2,2 Figure 3: The figure illustrates how to build the graph: nodes at different levels are colored differently, dashed lines are edges connects token nodes to span nodes; solid lines are edges connect to token nodes. The r∗∗ are relative positions assigned to edges. Span nodes the internal node of the tree, each has at least two child nodes. 3.2.2 Edge Construction The binary partitioning generating a binary tree. For a sequence with n tokens, we have n token nodes and n − 1 span nodes. Formally, let ul,m denote the m-th node at level l. The level increases in bottom-up fashion. The level of token nodes is set to 0. A span node ul,m represents a partition consisting of token nodes u0,2l ∗m+1 , · · · , u0,2l ∗(m+1) . To reduce the distance of information transmission, we do not directly use the tree structure to construct the edges in graph since the path is long for two long-distance tokens in the tree structure. We construct two kinds of edges: Affiliated Edges Given a span node ul,m , we add a directed edge from each of its contained token nodes u0,2l ∗m+1 , · · · , u0,2l ∗(m+1) . There are 2l edges u0,2l ∗m+i → ul,m (1 ≤ i ≤ 2l ). The role of affiliated edges is to shorten the path between a span node and its corresponding token nodes. With the affiliated edges, the representation of a span node is computed by directly aggregating the information from its contained token nodes. Although we do not adopt the tree structure, the affiliated edges still can incorporate the inductive bias of the hierarchical linguistic structure within the sentence. Contextual Edges The power of Transformer comes from relating every pair of tokens. To reduce the computation complexity while retaining the ability to capture long-range context, we model the context with a fine-to-coarse strategy. For a leaf node, to model its local context, we connect it to neighbor token nodes or lower-level span nodes. Similarly, we connect it to higher-level span nodes for long-range context. In detail, for a leaf node u0,i , we add the incoming edges from the different granularity. For simplicity, we describe the process of constructing edges from its right context of node u0,i . The edges from the left context is conducted similarly. We use a hyper-parameter k to determine the connection density of the graph. We add k edges per level to capture the information from the right context. For node u0,i , its contextual nodes are u0,p0 , · · · , u0,p0 +k−1 , u1,p1 , · · · , u1,p1 +k−1 , (8) (9) ··· (10) ··· , (12) ul,pl , · · · , u1,pl +k−1 , (11) where pl is the start index at level l and can be computed recursively: pl = parent(pl−1 + k) and p0 = i + 1. For the sake of computation efficiency, when the index pl +k−1 is odd, we also add its next node in the same layer as the contextual nodes. Thus, the start index at next level is pl+1 = parent(pl + k + 1). In practice, it is easy to find the contextual nodes in a recursive fashion. Given a leaf node u, the whole procedure is described in Algorithm 1. After collect all the contextual nodes, we add a directed edge from each contextual node to node u0,i . Algorithm 1 Finding contextual nodes function N EIGHBORS(u, k) N ← {u}, l ← left(u), r ← right(u) repeat for i ← 1 to k do N ← N ∪ {l, r} l ← left(l) r ← right(r) end for l ← parent(l) r ← parent(r) until l and r reach the boundary return N end function Finally, for a sequence with length n, we can construct a directed graph G. The number of nodes is O(2n), the number of edges is O(kn log n/k). We can see that the distances between any two token nodes are no greater than 2 in graph G. This property enables our model to learn long-term dependencies easily. Algorithm 2 The update of graph Require: G = (V, E) the underlying graph, N the number of layers, H0 initial hidden states 1: for i := 1 to N do:   2: Zi ← norm Hi−1 + GSA(i) G, Hi−1   3: Hi ← norm Zi + FFN(i) Zi 4: end for 5: return HN 3.4 Relative Positional Encoding on Tree As in (Shaw et al., 2018), introducing the relative distances between words in computing the selfattention helps encode the relative order among tokens. Here we draw a similar analogy on the tree. For each node v in A(u), we consider the relative positional difference on the tree between u and v, and assign a latent representation rv,u of such difference: • rv,u = rself if v = u. right left or r • rv,u = rj,i j,i , if v is the i-th left/right node to join the neighborhood set of u at the j-th level in Algorithm 1 of finding top-down context nodes. 3.3 Graph Update After graph G being constructed, we update representations of all nodes via Graph Self-Attention (GSA) described in Section 3.1. Since G is a directed graph, for a given node u, its neighbours A(u) is set to all its predecessor nodes in G. If we set A(u) to all the token nodes, we recover the model to the vanilla Transformer. Recall that the predecessors of a token node is the multi-scale spans it attending to, while the predecessors of a span node are all its contained token nodes, as illustrated in Figure 3. Therefore, BPT connected each two tokens via at most two edges. In our experiments, we update all nodes synchronously within the graph layer. The representations of span nodes are initialized with all zeroes, while the representations of token nodes are initialized with the corresponding word embeddings. We can stack multiple graph layers as in vanilla Transformer, where each layer gets its own W·· and WO . Algorithm 2 demonstrates the overall update algorithm. Depending on the downstream tasks, we either take as output of representation of the root node in the final layer (e.g. in text classification and natural language inference), or the representations of all the token nodes in the final layer (e.g. in language modeling and machine translation). • rv,u = rjanc , if u is the ancestor of v in the tree at level j. right left , r anc All the rself , rj,i j,i and rj are trainable parameters. Then, we modify Eq. (6) to include positional representations: Ru = concat({rv,u | v ∈ A(u)}),  u  Qi (Kui + Ru )T √ headui = softmax Viu . d (13) Note that the relative positional representations are shared across attention heads, which is the same as in (Shaw et al., 2018), and each layer gets its own set of positional representations. When k is set to be larger then the sentence length, our model degenerates to Vanilla Transformer with positional encodings. In the following section we will show that a small k (e.g. 4) is enough for achieving good performance in word level NLP tasks. 4 Experiments We measure the performance of BPT on variety of tasks at both sentence level and document level. We use SST-5 dataset (Socher et al., 2013) and IMDB dataset (Maas et al., 2011) to measure the performance of our model on classification for short and long text. The former has fine-grained labels with 215,154 phrases in 11,855 sentences with average length of 19, and the latter has positive/negative labels on 50,000 multi-sentence reviews with average length 294. We use pre-trained GloVe embedding (Pennington et al., 2014) as input features and fixed them during training. The hidden size of all our models are set to 300. For IMDB, we apply the same training/validation set split ratio (0.9) as in McCann et al. (2017). Model BPT Star Transformer Transformer Bi-LSTM (Li et al., 2015) Tree-LSTM (Socher et al., 2013) QRNN (Bradbury et al., 2017) BCN+Char+CoVe (McCann et al., 2017) SST-5 IMDB 52.71(0.32) 92.12(0.11) 52.9 90.50 50.4 89.24 49.8 51.0 91.4 53.7 91.8 92.12 56 92 54 90 52.71 52 88 IMDB test accuracy 4.1 Text Classification graph density and time/memory cost of BPT. The best performance was obtained at k = 2 and k = 4 for SST and IMDB respectively, which is a small value. SST test accuracy On document level tasks, we achieved state-ofthe-art performance on language modeling, machine translation and text classification. For sentence level tasks, BPT performs consistently better then vanilla Transformer and Star Transformer, suggesting the inductive bias encoded by BPT is reasonable and effective for natural language. The experimental results show the superior ability of BPT in modeling the long-range context. 50 2 4 8 16 32 64 86 k Figure 4: Effects of hyperparameter k. 4.1.1 Sensitivity to Sequence Shift Since BPT divide sequence in binary fashion, a concern is whether a shift in sequence affects its performance. To measure if the output of BPT is sensitive to shift, we take the model trained on SST with best validation loss and evaluate it in a setting different from training: we append n placeholder symbols in the front of each sentence, and initialize their embedding with all zeros. We varies n from 0 to 7 and found out the test accuracy changes very little as shown in Table 2, suggesting our model is robust towards shift. Shift Offset Test Accuracy Shift Offset Test Accuracy Table 1: Test accuracy on SST-5 and IMDB. In BPT, k = 2 and k = 4 for SST and IMDB respectively. The last model used word embeddings pretrained with translation and additional character-level embeddings. We report the average test accuracy of BPT of 10 runs in Table 1, the value inside brackets indicates standard derivation. On SST-5, our model outperforms Transformer and LSTM based models. On IMDB, our proposed model outperforms a bidirectional LSTM initialized with pre-trained character embedding and CoVe embedding (McCann et al., 2017). On IMDB, our model outperforms Vanilla Transformer and Star Transformer by a large margin: 1.62 and 2.88 respectively. To study the effect of k on final accuracy, we tried different k ∈ {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}. Figure 4 shows a large k does not bring benefits, though it increases the 0 1 2 3 52.71(0.32) 52.50(0.29) 52.81(0.18) 52.56(0.22) 4 5 6 7 52.18(0.22) 51.90(0.16) 51.85(0.35) 51.55(0.29) Table 2: Accuracy with different sequence shift on SST-5. 4.2 Language Modeling To see how BPT exploits with long-term dependencies, we evaluate our model on Character Level Language Modeling datasets of moderate size: Enwiki8 (LLC., 2009) and Text8 (LLC., 2009). We use bits-per-character(bpc for short, the lower the better) to measure the performance of our model. Character level tasks require more fine-grained interactions between characters, we select a much Model HM-LSTM (Chung et al., 2017) Recurrent Highway (Zilly et al., 2017) mLSTM (Krause et al., 2016) bits per character (BPC) larger k = 64 for such tasks. The baseline models we select are multi-scale RNN based models (Chung et al., 2017; Zilly et al., 2017; Krause et al., 2016) and Transformer-based models (AlRfou et al., 2018; Dai et al., 2019; Sukhbaatar et al., 2019). All Transformers use the same base setting (12 layers, d = 512, df f = 2048) for fair comparison. BPT Restricted Attention Sparse Transformer 1.3 1.2 1.1 Enwiki8 Text8 Params - 1.29 1.27 35M 45M 1.24 1.27 45M Transformer (Al-Rfou et al., 2018) Transformer-XL (Dai et al., 2019) Adaptive Span (Sukhbaatar et al., 2019) 1.11 1.06 1.02 1.18 1.11 44M 41M 39M BPT (k = 64, l = 8192) 1.02 1.11 38M Table 3: Test BPC on Enwiki8/Text8. Note that Transformer-XL can be only used for language modeling. l denotes the context length. In Table 3, we show that BPT can achieve stateof-the-art performance on both datasets with a small number of parameters. To compare different sparse attention patterns, we fix the context length: l = 512 and see how the performance of different models varies as we change the attention degree (the number of incoming edges of each token in the context of viewing Transformer as Graph Neural Networks). For BPT, we select different k ∈ {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}, for Sparse Transformer (Child et al., 2019), we use the default setting described in the paper (c = 8, stride = 128); for Restricted Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) (restrict self-attention to a neighborhood window of size w), we select w ∈ {32, 64, 128, 256, 512}. Figure 5 suggests that BPT’s fine-to-coarse sparse attention is more effective than Restricted Transformer and Sparse Transformer: with the same attention degree, BPT always gets better performance. To see how BPT exploits long-term dependency, we fixed k to 64 and varies context length in {512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192}. We do not try context length longer than 8192 because its exceeds the average article length in Enwik8 and Text8. As shown in Table 4, the performance increases with the context length. 100 200 300 400 Attention Degree 500 Figure 5: Test BPC on Enwiki8 with different k. Context Length Enwik8 Text8 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 1.07 1.05 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.16 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.11 Table 4: Test BPC on Enwiki8/Text8 with different context lengths. 4.3 Machine Translation BPT can also be applied to Encoder-Decoder frameworks by replacing backbone network in Vaswani et al. (2017) from Transformer to BPT. In this section we evaluate two settings: Document-Level and Sentence-Level Machine Translation. In Document-Level Machine Translation tasks, the self-attention in both encoder and decoder are applied at document level, while the attention between encoder and decoder are applied between aligned sentences. For a mini-batch of sentence pairs with source sentences of lengths {ni } and target sentences of P i }, the P lengths {m number of connections areP i kni log( i ni /k) P for encoder, km log( i i i mi /k) for decoder, P and i ni · mi for attention between encoder and decoder. 4.3.1 Document Level Machine Translation We conduct experiments with TED Talks Chineseto-English(Zh-En) dataset from IWSLT 2014 and 2015 (Cettolo et al., 2012, 2016), the average document length is 120 (in sentences). For each sentence, we take its preceding context of fixed length, and their corresponding translations as a single sample. The baseline models are HAN-NMT (Miculi- cich et al., 2018) and Transformer+cache (Tu et al., 2018). We follow the setting of Miculicich et al. (2018) with a vocabulary size of 30k for both Chinese and English, and use dev2010 for development and tst2010-2013 for testing. Unlike previous models, our model is trained from scratch and do not require pre-training on sentence-level translation tasks. Model BLEU Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) Transformer+cache (Tu et al., 2018) HAN-NMT (Miculicich et al., 2018) 16.87 17.32 17.78 Transformer (ours, single sentence) BPT (k = 4, single sentence) BPT (k = 4, l = 64) 18.91 19.19 19.84 coder with a BPT encoder/decoder. The number of parameters remains the same. The baseline model we select is Transformer(base). We trained the network for 40 epochs and take the average of last 10 checkpoint for decoding, the beam size is set to 5. Model BLEU ByteNet (Kalchbrenner et al., 2016) GNMT+RL (Wu et al., 2016) ConvS2S (Gehring et al., 2017) Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) 23.75 24.6 25.16 27.3 Transformer (our implementation) BPT (k = 1) BPT (k = 2) BPT (k = 4) BPT (k = 8) 27.2 26.9 27.4 27.6 26.7 Table 5: BLEU score on IWSLT 2015 Zh-En Table 7: BLEU score on newstest 2014 In Table 5 we show that with careful selection of hyper-parameters, Transformer trained at sentence-level could beat reported results of previous Document-Level models. BPT with k = 4 and context length of 32 could further improve the baseline result by 0.93 in terms of BLEU score, which is a significant margin. We also examine the effect of context length and k on final BLEU scores, the results are shown in Table 6. Similar to Tu et al. (2018) and Miculicich et al. (2018), we found a small context length is enough for achieving good performance on IWSLT for Document-Level Translation. However, as we increases context size, the performance of BPT does not get worse as these models and Transformers, suggesting the inductive bias encoded by BPT makes the model less likely to overfit. Table 7 report the de-tokenized SacreBLEU score 2 (Post, 2018) of BPT and Vanilla Transformer on test set: newstest 2014. In the setting of k = 2 and k = 4, BPT outperforms Vanilla Transformer with the same number of parameters and a sparse attention pattern. The best setting of BPT on WMT14 is k = 4, the same as the best setting of BPT on DocumentLevel Machine Translation(IWSLT) and Text Classification(IMDB), suggesting k = 4 a general setting for word-level NLP tasks, on both small and large datasets. Context length 0 32 64 128 Transformer BPT (k=4) BPT (k=8) 18.85 19.19 19.13 18.66 19.84 19.59 17.59 19.71 19.78 15.55 19.84 19.60 Table 6: BLEU score vs context length on different models 4.3.2 Sentence Level Machine Translation IWSLT is a relatively small dataset with 0.21M sentence pairs, to see if BPT scales to large dataset, we train a BPT on WMT14 English-toGerman dataset with 4.5M sentence pairs. We follow the same setting as (Vaswani et al., 2017), but to replace the Transformer encoder/de- 4.4 Throughput and GPU Memory Footprint BPT improves the time/space complexity of Transformer models from O(d · n2 ) to O(d · k · n log n/k) in theory, such speedup cannot be achieved by tensor-based attention operators. To address this problem, we designed a set of CUDA kernels for sparse attentions3 . We compare the GPU memory footprint and throughput of BPT and vanilla Transformer during inference under the same setting4 for language modeling. The k is set to 1, 4, 16, 64 respectively, covering best settings for word-based tasks(k = 4) and character-based tasks(k = 64). We fix the number of tokens to 8192 each batch and varies the sequence length. Figure 6 and 7 depicts how the GPU memory and speed varies as we increases 2 Setting: BLEU+c.mixed+l.en-de+#.1+s.exp+t .wmt14+tok.intl+v.1.4.1 3 the speed of BPT could be further improved with better optimized kernels 4 N = 6, d = 512, df f = 2048, h = 8 sequence length. Transformer BPT(k = 1) BPT(k = 4) BPT(k = 16) BPT(k = 64) GPU Memory(GB) 10 8 6 4 References 2 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 length of sequence Figure 6: GPU memory cost vs sequence lengh Throughput (tokens/s) ·105 Transformer BPT(k = 1) BPT(k = 4) BPT(k = 16) BPT(k = 64) 1 Rami Al-Rfou, Dokook Choe, Noah Constant, Mandy Guo, and Llion Jones. 2018. Character-level language modeling with deeper self-attention. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.04444. Jimmy Lei Ba, Jamie Ryan Kiros, and Geoffrey E Hinton. 2016. 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The following table summarizes the hyperparameters used in BPT. notation meaning Btok Bsent N M h k demb d df f pi ph pa pc avg steps epochs number of tokens in a batch number of sentences in a batch number of (encoder) layers. number of (decoder) layers. number of heads. connection density in BPT embedding size hidden size of the model filter size in FFN sublayer dropout rate on embedding layer dropout rate on hidden layers dropout rate on attention weight dropout rate before classifier model average checkpoints training steps training epochs Table 8, 9 and 10 lists the hyper-parameters we use in Text Classification, language Modeling and Machine Translation respectively. N demb d df f h pi ph pa pc Bsent epochs SST IMDB 4 300 300 600 6 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.4 1024 40 5 300 300 600 6 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.5 32 40 Table 8: Hyper-parameters for Text Classification N demb d df f h pi ph pa pc Btok steps enwik8 text8 12 512 512 2048 8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 32768 400000 12 512 512 2048 8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 32768 600000 Table 9: Hyper-parameters for Language Modeling N M demb d df f h pi ph pa pc Bsent avg epochs IWSLT WMT 6 6 512 512 2048 8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 128 10 40 6 6 512 512 2048 8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1024 10 40 Table 10: Hyper-parameters for Machine Translation For full details please refer to the configurations in our source code: https://github.com/ yzh119/BPT/tree/master/configs.