Adaptive Multi-Resolution Attention with Linear Complexity Yao Zhang∗, 1 arXiv:2108.04962v1 [cs.LG] 10 Aug 2021 1 Yunpu Ma∗, 1 Thomas Seidl, 1 Volker Tresp 1,2 Institute of Informatics, LMU Munich, 2 Corporate Technology, Siemens AG,, Abstract Transformers have improved the state-of-the-art across numerous tasks in sequence modeling. Besides the quadratic computational and memory complexity w.r.t the sequence length, the self-attention mechanism only processes information at the same scale, i.e., all attention heads are in the same resolution, resulting in the limited power of the Transformer. To remedy this, we propose a novel and efficient structure named Adaptive Multi-Resolution Attention (AdaMRA for short), which scales linearly to sequence length in terms of time and space. Specifically, we leverage a multi-resolution multi-head attention mechanism, enabling attention heads to capture long-range contextual information in a coarse-to-fine fashion. Moreover, to capture the potential relations between query representation and clues of different attention granularities, we leave the decision of which resolution of attention to use to query, which further improves the model’s capacity compared to vanilla Transformer. In an effort to reduce complexity, we adopt kernel attention without degrading the performance. Extensive experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our model by achieving state-ofthe-art speed-memory-accuracy trade-off. To facilitate AdaMRA utilization by the scientific community, the code implementation will be made publicly available. 1 Introduction The recent emergence of the Transformer has drastically reshaped the landscape of natural language processing research. Transformers have demonstrated superior performance in a wide variety of tasks, such as machine translation [Vaswani et al., 2017], natural language inference [Williams et al., 2017], text classification [Howard and Ruder, 2018], question answering [Rajpurkar et al., 2016], automatic speech recognition [Dong et al., 2018], image generation [Parmar et al., 2018] and image captioning [Xu et al., 2015]. The key innovation in Transformers is the introduction of a multi-head self-attention mechanism, which models pairwise interaction of the input sequence, regardless of their distance from each other. This operation has been shown quite effective. Nonetheless, despite several notable successes of Transformers, computing the attention matrix, which is their key component, also turns out to be a major efficiency bottleneck due to its quadratic time and space complexity with respect to the sequence length. Therefore, the maximum sequence length is restricted by the amount of memory available. This inherent limitation of Transformers has prevented them from being successfully applied to domains requiring longer sequence lengths, like document classification. Further, building large Transformer-based models in practice is notoriously expensive. Although the fine-tuning stage is relatively inexpensive, the memory issue still restricts the scenarios in which these models can be used. Besides the computational cost, qualitative analysis ∗ these authors contributed equally to this work Preprint. Under review. 64 AdaMRA (Ours) 61 BigBird Nystromformer LRA Score of attention heads [Vaswani et al., 2017] suggests that heads tend to favor flatter or more peaked distributions depending on what phenomena they capture. Thus, using an extremely long sequence may limit the power of the model. To this end, a wide spectrum of efficient, 58 fast Transformers has been proposed to Linear Transformer tackle these limitations. For instance, [BeltTransformer agy et al., 2020, Wang et al., 2020a, Tay et al., 2020a, Child et al., 2019, Zaheer Linformer 55 et al., 2020, Correia et al., 2019, Qiu et al., 2019, Roy et al., 2021, Kitaev et al., 2020, Reformer Zhao et al., 2019, Vyas et al., 2020] adPerformer dresses the problematic complexity by lim52 iting the amount of keys that each query 60 -20 140 220 attends to. However, these methods either Speed (examples per sec) break long-term dependency or hurt the time efficiency. There is also a long line Figure 1: Trade-off between accuracy (LRA score), of research on using dense attention matrix model speed (examples per sec) and memory footprint but defined by low-rank kernels substitut- (size of circle). Our AdaMRA achieves state-of-the-art ing softmax [Katharopoulos et al., 2020, speed-memory-accuracy trade-off. Choromanski et al., 2020, Xiong et al., 2021, Peng et al., 2021]. Although these approaches have achieved better speed-memory-accuracy trade-off, they still suffer from the aforementioned limitations of the self-attention mechanism. Another prominent line of work is to increase the memory capacity [Sukhbaatar et al., 2019, Ye et al., 2019, Rae et al., 2019]. However, these works still process information at the same scale. Besides the computational cost, the self-attention mechanism of all models mentioned above only processes information at the same scale, i.e., all attention heads are in the same resolution. However, inspired by the fact that the information in most of the domain has a hierarchical structure, for instance, word- and sentence-level information in the domain of text/language, low- and high-level features in the domain of image, etc., we suggest processing information in a coarse-to-fine fashion could be beneficial for capturing hierarchically structured information. We thus propose Adaptive Multi-Resolution Attention (AdaMRA), a linear time and space attention that captures long-distance dependencies in a coarse-to-fine manner. To be more precise, unlike vanilla Transformer, which maintains a constant resolution throughout all attention heads, AdaMRA employs multi-resolution attention heads that vary in the level of abstraction. Moreover, to capture the potential relations between query representation and clues of different attention granularities, each query is routed to the corresponding attention head. Furthermore, we adopt kernel attention [Katharopoulos et al., 2020] without sacrificing the performance. We evaluate the proposed method on the Long-Range-Arena (LRA) benchmark [Tay et al., 2020b] and show that AdaMRA achieves promising performance while having a linear computational complexity with respect to the sequence length. Impressively, as shown in Figure 1, the average LRA scores increased by 4.32 and 3.66 from vanilla Transformer and the previous best performing model BigBird, respectively. In terms of time and space efficiency, AdaMRA is around 10 times faster than vanilla Transformer on GPU, while 5 times smaller in GPU running memory occupation. 2 Related Work In this section, we briefly review the most relevant works that aim to address the Transformers’ large memory and computational requirements. Efficient Self-Attention A conceptual way of reducing the complexity of the full attention is to limit the number of accessible elements to the attention. [Qiu et al., 2019, Zaheer et al., 2020, Beltagy et al., 2020, Child et al., 2019] achieve this by using fixed, predefined patterns such as local windows and block patterns of fixed stride. Another line of work here is to consider which part of the inputs 2 should be attended to by learning to assign tokens to buckets or clusters before performing attention. [Kitaev et al., 2020] uses locality sensitive hashing to group together token, [Roy et al., 2021, Vyas et al., 2020] employs online k-means to learn the space-partitioning centroids, and [Tay et al., 2020a] sort keys in a block-wise fashion. However, they may lack the flexibility to look at the full sequence and thus restrict the model capacity to capture long-distance dependencies. Moreover, additional computation steps required by some approaches (e.g., LSH in [Kitaev et al., 2020]) might undermine their final efficiency gains. Unlike these works, our method uniquely incorporates pooling-based compression to capture the context information of different scales with only a small additional computation budget while maintaining excellent performance. Kernel Attention Another method is to improve efficiency by leveraging low-rank approximations of the softmax attention matrix. Katharopoulos et al. [Katharopoulos et al., 2020] interprets the Sof tmax as a kernel and approximate the attention matrix via kernel approximation. Subsequently, this strategy is also employed by [Xiong et al., 2021, Peng et al., 2021, Choromanski et al., 2020]. In [Xiong et al., 2021], the approximation of standard softmax attention is based on adapting the Nyström method, while [Peng et al., 2021, Choromanski et al., 2020] leverage random feature methods to approximate the softmax function. Although these approaches have achieved better speed-memory-accuracy trade-off, the performance of these methods is still affected by the quality of approximation and the fully-connected nature of self-attention in Transformer, which, as suggested by [Guo et al., 2019], is not a good inductive bias. Increasing Memory Capacity Memory is crucial for many tasks. However, extending the memory span is computationally expensive due to the attention mechanism’s quadratic time and space complexity. Several recent works have proposed strategies to increase the memory capacity of Transformers. BP-Transformer [Ye et al., 2019] is designed to incorporate the common-sense inductive bias of the hierarchical linguistic structure within the sentence, i.e., each query attends to context information from fine-grain to coarse-grain as the relative distance increase. [Rae et al., 2019] uses some pooling operator (e.g., max/mean pooling) to reduce the number of memories in the past, where all memories are equally compressed regardless of the content of the current query. In [Sukhbaatar et al., 2019], each attention head separately learns its temporal context size from data. The works mentioned above focus on increasing memory capacity without actually changing the memory resolution. Our work differs from theirs in that we focus on capturing long-term dependencies in a multi-resolution fashion, which, in turn, indirectly reduces our model’s memory footprint. 3 Model In this section, we formalize the proposed method. In Section 3.1, we first briefly revisit the attention mechanism and present its computational complexity. We then introduce AdaMRA in Section 3.2. An interpretation to AdaMRA is provided in Section 3.3. We close by practically analyzing AdaMRA’s complexity in Section 3.4. 3.1 Revisiting Self-Attention and its Linearization The self-attention function calculates, for every token, a weighted average of the feature representations of all other tokens with a weight proportional to a normalized similarity score between representations. Formally, let X = {x(1) , ..., x(n) } ∈ Rn×d denotes an input sequence comprising n tokens of dimension d. Given three matrices Q, K and V , which is linear projections of the layer’s input X, Q = XW Q , K = XW K , V = XW V , (1) n×d where Q, K, V ∈ R and W Q , W K , W V ∈ Rd×d . Following common terminology, Q, K, and V are referred to as the queries, keys, and values, respectively. The keys are used to compute a similarity score between each item and query. Then, weight the values of each item at each query context using the normalized similarity score. The attention outputs the weighted sum of the values by the similarity score between the queries and keys. Thus, the generalized attention function for any similarity function can be written as: Pn j=1 sim(Qi , Kj )Vj Attention(Qi , K, V ) = Score(Qi , K, V ) = Pn (2) j=1 sim(Qi , Kj ) 3 Finegrained Concat + Linear K̃ 3 Ṽ 3 K̃ 2 Medium- Coarsegrained grained Head 3 Head 2 Head 1 Head 1 Head 2 Segment Mean Segment Mean Router Key Value Query K̃ 1 Ṽ 2 Head 1 Finegrained Coarsegrained Mediumgrained Head 2 Ṽ 1 Head 3 Head 3 P1 P2 q1 Input X P4 P3 q2 q3 P5 q4 P6 q5 q6 Figure 2: The architecture of AdaMRA. In this example, the number of heads H = 3, the number of subheads S = 2, sequence length n = 6 and compression rate c = (1/1, 1/2, 1/3). Top right shows the construction of multi-resolution memory/context. Bottom right diagrams 6 tokens being routed. According to [Vaswani et al., 2017], the unified similarity function can take the form of Sof tmax. Therefore, the quadratic complexity emerges from the computation of the similarity score between every pair of tokens. In order to define an attention function, sim(·) in Eq. 2 needs to be a non-negative function, which includes all kernels k(x, y) : RF × RF → R+ [Katharopoulos et al., 2020]. Given such a kernel with a feature representation φ(x), we can rewrite the generalized attention function (Eq. 2) as follows, Pn Pn T φ(Qi )T j=1 φ(Kj )VjT j=1 φ(Qi ) φ(Kj )Vj Pn P (3) Attention(Qi , K, V ) = = n T φ(Qi )T j=1 φ(Kj ) j=1 φ(Qi ) φ(Kj ) Pn Pn T j=1 φ(Kj )Vj and j=1 φ(Kj ) could be reused for every query, therefore reducing the complexity from quadratic to linear both in terms of memory and computation. Considering the fact that different parts of a sequence may be relevant in different ways, multi-head attention was introduced in Transformer. Assuming there are H attention heads, this is simply the application of Eq. 2 in parallel H times, each with a different, learned linear transformation that allows specialization: M ultiHead(Q, K, V ) = Concat(Head1 , ..., HeadH )W O (4) Headh (Q, K, V ) = Attention(QWhQ , KWhK , V WhV ) (5) where WhQ , WhK ∈ Rd×dk , WhV ∈ Rd×dv are the matrices that project the queries, keys, and values into the h-th subspace, respectively; W O ∈ RHdv ×d is the matrix that computes a linear transformation of the heads, with, typically, Hdv = Hdk = d. 3.2 Adaptive Multi-Resolution Attention To capture hierarchically structured information effectively, we propose AdaMRA. The main idea is to employ the multi-resolution attention heads in a coarse-to-fine fashion and enable the query to choose between different resolutions of attention. This process is done independently for each layer, allowing queries in different layers to attend to contexts of different resolutions. We describe AdaMRA in the context of a single Transformer layer and omit the layer index for brevity. 4 In AdaMRA, the input sequence X ∈ Rn×d still pass through three linear layers to form the queries Q ∈ Rn×d , keys K ∈ Rn×d , and values V ∈ Rn×d , where n is sequence length and d is the embedding dimension. For each attention head h, we define a compression rate ch , a higher value indicates more fine-grained compressed information. To encode the context information, we produce compressed keys and values using certain compressive operations, which can be selected from kmeans clustering [Vyas et al., 2020, Roy et al., 2021], projection [Wang et al., 2020b], and convolution [Rae et al., 2019], etc. For the sake of computation efficiency, we employ segment means [Xiong et al., 2021] to compress the original (n × d)-dimensional K and V into (mh × d)-dimensional e h and Ve h , where h denotes h-th head and mh = nch is the number of landmarks of compressed K head h. To be more precise, given the compression rate ch for head h, we separate the n keys/values into mh segments. In our experiments, n is divisible by m. If this is not the case in practice, we can pad inputs to a length divisible to m. Note that to obtain multi-resolution attention, compression rate of each head is different. Such compression strategy can not only guarantee the preservation of important information, but also simplify the model since c is usually a small number. More details regarding the impact of compression rate is provided in Section 4. e h and value Ve h available in hand, attention head are now in different With compressed key K resolution. To capture the potential relations between query representation and clues of different attention granularities, we let query itself choose which resolution of attention to use, which is conditioned on the information encoded in query’s representation. This is accomplished by adding a Router [Shazeer et al., 2017] before the attention layer (see Figure 2). The router takes a token representation qi as an input and then routes this to the best-determined expert, i.e., attention head. Specifically, we adopt F (·), a parameterized function, for projecting query qi from d dimensions to H dimensions, where H is the number of heads. We then normalize this value via a Sof tmax. Each query is routed to the head with the highest router probability P . In practice, we mask out the tokens that are not routed to the current head. Formally, P = Sof tmax(F (Q)), F (Q) = QW, (6) where F (·) is a parameterized function, Q ∈ Rn×d , the learnable parameter W ∈ Rd×H , and the router probability P ∈ Rn×H . Finally, in pursuit of efficiency, we adopt kernel attention [Katharopoulos et al., 2020] while calculating attention using Eq. 3, PN Pn h eh eh e h )(Ve h )T φ(Qhi )T j=1 φ(K j j j=1 sim(Qi , Kj )Vj h eh eh Attention(Qi , K , V ) = PN = , (7) P n h h h h T e e φ(Qi ) j=1 φ(Kj ) j=1 sim(Qi , Kj ) e h and Ve h are the compressed query and value where Qhi is i-th query that is routed to h-th head, K of h-th head. For our experiments, we employ ReLU as the feature function φ (see Section 4.3 for feature function analysis). As suggested by recent works on interpreting attention head roles, separate attention heads may learn to look for various relationships between tokens [Voita et al., 2019]. Thus, in practice, we use the same strategy to split the head into multiple subheads, whose resolution is the same as the original head, allowing the model to jointly attend to information at different positions from different representation subspaces. For our experiments, all attention heads have same number of subheads. Multi-head AdaMRA is thus defined as: AdaM RA(Q, K, V ) = ( H X Headh )W O , Headh = Concat(subheadh1 , ..., subheadhS ), (8) h=1 where Q, K, V ∈ Rn×d , W O ∈ RSdv ×d is learned matrices, dv = d/S is the hidden dimension of the projection subspace, H is the number of heads, S is the number of subheads, and hS denotes the S-th subhead of h-th head. The s-th subhead of h-th head is defined as: e h WhK , Ve h WhV ), subheadhs = Attention(Qh WhQs , K s s (9) where WhQs , WhKs ∈ Rd×dk , WhVs ∈ Rd×dv are the matrices that project the queries, keys and values into the hs -th subspace, respectively. For our experiments, we set Sdv = Sdk = d. 5 3.3 Interpretation of AdaMRA e h )T Ve h as a global description/memory of the input sequence that Intuitively, one can think of φ(K the query will perform attention over. As discovered by previous works, global and multi-scale representations are useful. Therefore, to combine the low-level details and high-level semantics, each attention head has different memory scales, corresponding to a different semantic aspect of the entire input. For instance, coarse memory and fine-scale memory could correspond to the summary of paragraph and the word representation, respectively. To further enhance feature expression ability, we leave the decision of which resolution of attention to use to query. Thus, a query can choose between the different resolutions of memory based on its own representation with more flexibility. 3.4 Efficiency Advantage We now show the efficiency advantage of AdaMRA in memory and computation. Assuming we have H head with mh landmarks each, the landmark selection using segment means takes O(n), where n is sequence length. The usage of kernel attention [Katharopoulos et al., 2020] eliminates the O(n2 ) terms from both the memory and computational complexities of the module. Instead, the computation e h )T Ve h ) of dimensionality d and new values take O(mh d2 ) and of global description/memory (φ(K PH 2 O(nd ), respectively. Consequently, the total cost of AdaMRA scales as O(Hn + h=1 mh d2 + Hnd2 ), i.e., scales linearly with respect to the sequence length n. In the following section we will PH show that a small h=1 mh (typically smaller than n) is enough for achieving good performance, which further increase the efficiency advantage of AdaMRA over vanilla Transformer. 4 Experiments In this section, we validate the AdaMRA in terms of computational cost, memory consumption, and accuracy on long-range context tasks in the LRA benchmark [Tay et al., 2020b] and show that AdaMRA performs consistently better than baselines, suggesting that leveraging multi-resolution attention head is reasonable and effective. The experimental results show the superior ability of AdaMRA in modeling the long-range context. 4.1 Experiment Settings LRA is a suite of five general and challenging tasks designed to evaluate how well Transformers capture long-term dependencies from different modalities such as text, natural and synthetic images, and mathematical expressions requiring similarity, structural and visual-spatial reasoning. For a complete description of the objectives and datasets, we refer the reader to [Tay et al., 2020b]. Tasks Tasks used for comparison are as follows: (1) Long Listops, designed to investigate the model’s capability of reasoning hierarchically structured data in a long-context scenario. We use a version of the ListOps dataset [Nangia and Bowman, 2018] of sequence lengths of up to 2K. (2) Byte-Level Text Classification aims to test the models’ ability to deal with compositionality as it is required to compose characters into words into higher-level phrases. We use the IMDb reviews dataset [Maas et al., 2011] of a fixed max length of 4K. (3) Byte-Level Document Retrieval uses the AAN dataset [Radev et al., 2013] to investigate a model’s ability to encode and store compressed representation. The model learns a similarity score between two documents. Each document has a sequence length of 4K. (4) Image Classification This task serves as a test of how well models are able to capture the 2D spatial relations between input pixels. We use the CIFAR10 dataset [Krizhevsky et al., 2009] for this task. (5) Pathfinder In this task, we are interested in the model’s ability to capture long-range spatial dependencies. The model makes a binary decision on whether two points are connected by a path [Linsley et al., 2018]. Baselines We base our evaluation on six recently proposed efficient Transformer models. Aside from the vanilla Transformer [Vaswani et al., 2017], we compare our model against other efficient self-attention variants, including Reformer [Kitaev et al., 2020], Linear Transformer [Katharopoulos et al., 2020], Performer [Choromanski et al., 2020], Linformer [Wang et al., 2020b], Big Bird [Zaheer et al., 2020] and Nyströmformer[Xiong et al., 2021]. 6 Table 1: Experimental results on LRA benchmark. We report accuracy (higher is better) of different models. The best model is in boldface, and the second-best is underlined. Transformer’s, Reformer’s, Linformer’s, Performer’s and Nyströmformer’s numbers are due to [Xiong et al., 2021]. Asides from Linear Transformer, we achieve consistent results reported in [Tay et al., 2020b]. The implementation of Linear Transformer is based on the official published code. Avg: average accuracy across all tasks. AdaMRA significantly outperforms other Transformer models among all tasks, with +4.32, +3.66 in average accuracy against vanilla Transformer and previous best performing model BigBird, respectively. Model ListOps Text Retrieval Image Pathfinder Avg Transformer 37.10 65.02 79.35 38.20 74.16 58.77 BigBird Reformer Linformer Linear Trans. Performer Nyströmformer 38.55 19.05 37.25 37.35 18.80 37.15 63.90 64.88 55.91 64.15 63.81 65.52 81.50 78.64 79.37 81.10 78.62 79.56 38.30 43.29 37.84 38.20 37.07 41.58 74.89 69.36 67.60 70.20 69.87 70.94 59.43 55.04 55.59 58.20 53.63 58.95 Ours 40.40 68.44 84.83 46.00 75.77 63.09 Implementation Details To ensure fair comparisons for all models, we train a two-layer Transformer. The embedding dimension is 64, and the hidden dimension is 128. Our data split, preprocessing, and training procedure follow those of [Xiong et al., 2021]. For all models, we use the default PyTorch implementation. 4.2 Performance Comparison Accuracy Comparison We compare Transformers with respect to their performance. Table 1 reports LRA score of several Transformer models, including BigBird (the previous best performing model in terms of LRA score [Tay et al., 2020b]), variants with linear complexity (Linformer, Linear Transformer, Performer and Nyströmformer), and Reformer. Our model brings consistently considerable performance boosts over the baseline models to all tasks. Specifically, our model achieves an average score of 63.09 on the LRA benchmark, increasing 4.32, 4.89, and 9.46 absolute points from vanilla Transformer, Linear Transformer, and Performer. Besides, our model also achieves significant performance gain compared to the previous best performing model BigBird. This might be attributed to the fact that, in contrast to BigBird, our attention layer is able to exchange information globally on the entire sequence. In addition, it is worth mentioning that our model boosts the score by 3.42 and 5.48 on the tasks Text (n=4K) and Retrieval (n=4K) compare with vanilla Transformer, suggesting that our model is advantageous in tasks that require large sequence length. More importantly, we notice the performance gains, especially on the Image Classification task, outperforming vanilla Transformer by 7.8, which indicates that the inductive bias of AdaMRA plays a substantial role in this task. Thus, our model has the capability to capture 2D spatial relations. Speed and Memory Comparison To better illustrate the boosted efficiency, we compare Transformers with respect to their computational and memory requirements. We use the IMDb dataset with a batch size of 16 for all runs. Table 2 shows peak allocated GPU memory and required time of the sequence lengths {1K, 2K, 4K} for several efficient Transformer models. We benchmark all models’ speed and memory on a Tesla T4 GPU with 16GB of memory. All compared models are of the same size as those described above. The overall fastest models are kernel-based models (Performer and Linear Transformer). The model with the smallest memory footprint is the Linear Transformer, coming in at 1741 MB compared to 10327 MB for the vanilla Transformer at 4K. Our method comes in a close second and is almost as fast as the fastest one. Similar to speed, our model is also relatively compact and is almost as compact as Linear Transformer and Performer. Importantly, our model speeds up over the vanilla Transformer 7 Table 2: Comparison of training time and peak memory consumption on various input sequence lengths. Efficiency improvements in comparison with the vanilla Transformer are in brackets. The best model is in boldface, and the second-best is underlined. Performer-32 denotes Performer selfattention module using a feature map of 32 dimensions. Nyströmformer-32 denotes Nyströmformer self-attention module using 32 landmarks. Ours-(ch ) denotes AdaMRA self-attention module with four attention heads using a compression rate of ch on each head. AdaMRA offers favorable memory and time efficiency over standard self-attention and is almost as fast and compact as kernel-based Transformer (Linear Transformer and Performer). Running time (ms) Model Peak Memory Usage (MB) 1K 2K 4K 1K 2K 4K Transformer 82(1×) 272(1×) 1007(1×) 1713(1×) 3829(1×) 10327(1×) BigBird Reformer Linformer Linear Transformer Performer-32 Nyströmformer-32 104(0.79×) 53(1.5×) 37(2.2×) 22(3.7×) 30(2.7×) 76(1.1×) 211(1.3×) 103(2.6×) 71(3.8×) 38(7.1×) 54(5.0×) 160(1.7×) 420(2.4×) 200(5.0×) 139(7.2×) 69(14.6×) 100(10.7×) 233(4.3×) 1815(0.9×) 1467(1.2×) 1499(1.1×) 1113(1.5×) 1171(1.5×) 2627(0.6×) 2835(1.4×) 2007(1.9×) 1978(1.9×) 1353(2.8×) 1439(2.7×) 3381(1.1×) 4921(2.1×) 3125(3.3×) 3035(3.4×) 1741(5.9×) 1917(5.4×) 4685(2.2×) Ours-(1/2,1/4,1/8,1/16) Ours-(1/4,1/8,1/16,1/32) 33(2.4×) 32(2.6×) 54(5.0×) 53(5.1×) 98(10.3×) 96(10.5×) 1239(1.4×) 1201(1.4×) 1581(2.4×) 1565(2.4×) 2201(4.7×) 2117(4.9×) Table 3: Comparison of SMAT score (higher is better). Normalized values are in brackets. Speed stands for examples per second. The best model is in boldface, and the second-best is underlined. AdaMRA significantly outperforms other Transformer models. Model Speed Peak Memory Usage (MB) LRA Score SMAT Score Transformer 14.5 (0.00) 6645 (1.00) 58.77 (0.54) 0.54 BigBird Reformer Linformer Linear Transformer Performer-32 Nyströmformer-32 36.4 (0.12) 80.0 (0.35) 111.1 (0.52) 200.0 (1.00) 142.9 (0.69) 57.1 (0.23) 2917 (0.30) 2023 (0.13) 2003 (0.12) 1353 (0.00) 1439 (0.02) 2687 (0.25) 59.43 (0.61) 55.04 (0.15) 55.59 (0.21) 58.20 (0.48) 53.63 (0.00) 58.95 (0.56) 1.43 1.37 1.61 2.48 1.67 1.54 Ours 160.0 (0.78) 1475 (0.02) 63.09 (1.00) 2.76 by about 10.4× on 4K sequence length and requires only about 20% of the memory of the vanilla Transformer at 4K. As sequence length increases, the training time speed-up and memory savings are even more dramatic. Notably, kernel-based models are fast and compact at the cost of relatively lower quantitative performance (see Table 1). In contrast, our model is competitive in both accuracy and efficiency, as Figure 1 shows. Besides, our analysis indicates that AdaMRA efficiency gains are especially notable on long sequences, suggesting that AdaMRA will be particularly useful in tasks that require large sequence length, fast training speed, or low memory footprints. Speed-Memory-Accuracy Tradeoff Comparison In real-world scenarios, speed, memory and accuracy are three important aspects of performance. When analyzed separately, these performance variables sometimes lead to contradictory conclusions. To avoid such conflicts, we integrate all three aspects into a single measure, speed-memory-accuracy tradeoff (SMAT), which is defined as, SM AT = Snorm + (1 − Mnorm ) + Accnorm (10) where Snorm , Mnorm , Accnorm are normalized speed (examples per sec), peak memory usage as well as LRA score after applying the MinMaxScaler. In this experiment, we use the IMDb dataset of the sequence length 4K with a batch size of 8 for all runs. As shown in Table 3, AdaMRA consistently 8 Table 4: Ablation studies of AdaMRA on the Byte-Level Text Classification task and Image Classification task. H denotes the number of heads. The best model is in boldface. ID H Compression Rate Accu (Image) Accu (Text) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 3 4 4 4 6 7 (1/4, 1/32) (1/8, 1/16, 1/32) (1/2, 1/8, 1/32) (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16) (1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32) (1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64) (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64) (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128) 45.3 45.5 46.0 44.9 45.2 44.0 44.9 45.0 66.8 66.3 68.4 67.8 68.2 67.3 67.6 65.7 9 10 3 3 (1/2, 1/2, 1/2) (1/4, 1/4, 1/4) 38.98 42.38 64.11 63.38 outperforms other variants by a large margin in terms of SMAT score, indicating that our AdaMRA achieves state-of-the-art speed-memory-accuracy trade-off. 4.3 Ablation Study Compression Rate To understand the impact of compression rate c, we conduct ablation experiments on two tasks in the LRA benchmark, i.e., Byte-Level Text Classification and Image Classification. We experiment with a various number of attention heads and vary the compression rate ch of each head. We use the same ch across all layers. As indicated by the results in Table 4, the choice of compression rate is crucial for the final performance. However, compared to vanilla Transformer, all configurations achieve consistent improvement on both tasks (see Table 1). Besides, there are few things to notice: i) Model 5 outperforms Model 4&6, and Model 3 outperforms Model 2, indicating a benefit in using a moderate compression rate and using an extremely low compression rate cause a significant performance drop. We speculate that using an extremely low compression rate might lose too much information. ii) Model 3 outperforms Model 4-8, which means AdaMRA does not perform better as the number of heads H increases. This indicates that having multiple attention heads is effective, but a too large number of heads hurts. iii) When we use a relatively low compression rate, the resulting model’s (Model 3&5) performance already outperforms all other Transformer models. This suggests that we can decrease the compression rate to a certain extent, which further increases the efficiency advantage of AdaMRA over vanilla Transformer. iv) One can notice a significant accuracy drop when using the single-resolution (Model 9&10), which indicates that multi-resolution attention head is beneficial for capturing hierarchically structured information. Architecture Design To understand the importance of Table 5: Ablation study for architecture each component, we conduct ablation experiments for the AdaMRA architecture. In Table 5, Rand means randomly Model Image Text assigning each query to attention heads; Softmax means Transformer 38.20 65.02 adding multi-resolution approach into vanilla attention mechanism; ELU+1 [Katharopoulos et al., 2020] means Rand 41.40 64.64 employing elu + 1 as feature function φ in Eq. 7; ReLU Softmax 41.19 65.56 means using ReLU as φ. As indicated by the results, the ELU+1 43.73 66.33 privilege of AdaMRA comes from the learned routing and ReLU 46.00 68.44 multi-resolution attention simultaneously. Using ReLU as the feature function is also advantageous, without which we only have small gains over the vanilla model. The multi-resolution method is also compatible with other attention mechanisms (e.g., vanilla attention) to a certain extent, and we leave it for future work. 9 5 Conclusion Transformer models are notoriously slow to train and deploy in practice because of its quadratic time and space complexity with respect to the sequence length. 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